Palo Santo the Holy Wood

Palo Santo is thought to cure a multitude of ills

Exploring the Therapeutic Applications of Palo Santo (Bursera graveolens): A Comprehensive Review

Abstract: Palo santo, a revered botanical native to South America, particularly Peru and Ecuador, has been utilized for millennia due to its purported medicinal properties. This review examines the historical and contemporary applications of Palo Santo, delving into its diverse forms, potential therapeutic benefits, and responsible sourcing practices.

The therapeutic benefits

Palo santo, scientifically known as Bursera graveolens, has been revered for its therapeutic potential across various indigenous cultures for centuries. Derived from the Spanish term for “holy wood,” Palo Santo is renowned for its fragrant resin and has garnered attention for its alleged capacity to alleviate pain, inflammation, and stress. Despite its longstanding traditional usage, empirical evidence supporting its medicinal claims remains limited, underscoring the necessity for further investigation.

The uses of Palo Santo

The bark manifests in several forms, including wood, resin, and oil, each offering distinct therapeutic applications. The wood, sourced from the tree’s branches, can be procured as sticks, chips, or powder. Additionally, the aromatic resin, extracted from the wood, and the essential oil derived from both the wood and fruit, provide alternative modalities for therapeutic use.

Gathering ehtically sourced Palo Santo

Palo Santo must be ethically sourced

Purported Benefits

While it is purported to possess a myriad of medicinal benefits, empirical substantiation remains elusive. Alleged advantages include its ability to repel insects, mitigate pain, and ameliorate stress responses. Limonene, a predominant constituent of Palo Santo essential oil, has been implicated in its purported analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, though conclusive evidence is lacking.


The utilization of the wood varies depending on its form. Palo oil is commonly inhaled during aromatherapy sessions or applied topically for pain management, while the wood is traditionally burned as incense to disperse its aromatic compounds.

Palo Santo in Abalone Shell

Burning Palo Santo in an Abalone Shell

Instructions for the bark for Smudging:

  1. Prepare Your Space:
    • Choose a well-ventilated area free from clutter or flammable materials.
    • Open windows and doors to allow airflow and encourage the dispersion of negative energy.
  2. Gather Your Materials:
    • Obtain a piece of bark or an incense stick.
    • Have a lighter, matches, or a candle on hand to ignite the material.
  3. Set Your Intention:
    • Take a moment to set your intention for the smudging ritual. This could involve expressing gratitude, seeking clarity, or inviting positive energy into your space.
  4. Ignite it:
    • Hold the wood or incense stick at a downward angle.
    • Light the tip of the wood or stick, using a lighter, match, or candle flame.
    • Allow the flame to burn for a few seconds, then gently blow it out. The Palo Santo should smolder and emit fragrant smoke.
  5. Begin Smudging:
    • Once it is smoldering, walk around the space you wish to cleanse.
    • Use a feather or your hand to waft the smoke into all corners, doorways, and areas of the room.
    • Pay special attention to areas where negative energy may linger, such as corners, entrances, and windows.
  6. Focus on Intention:
    • As you smudge, focus on your intention and visualize the smoke dispelling any negative energies present.
    • Speak affirmations or prayers if desired, reinforcing your intention for purification and positivity.
  7. Complete the Ritual:
    • Once you have smudged the entire space, extinguish it by gently pressing the burning end into a heatproof dish or container filled with sand.
    • Alternatively, allow it to burn out naturally in a safe holder.
  8. Closing Thoughts:
    • Take a moment to appreciate the refreshed energy in your space.
    • Express gratitude for the cleansing properties of the Palo Santo and the positive intentions set during the ritual.
  9. Dispose of Ashes:
    • Dispose of any remaining ashes from the Palo Santo in a safe and respectful manner.
    • Consider burying the ashes in soil or scattering them outdoors as a symbolic release of negativity.
  10. Repeat as Needed:
  • Repeat the Palo Santo smudging ritual as often as desired to maintain a harmonious and energetically balanced environment.

Remember to exercise caution when working with fire, and always supervise the smudging process to prevent accidents or injuries. Enjoy the cleansing and uplifting benefits of Palo Santo with mindfulness and reverence.