The Links between Autism and Magic
We may be starting to understand the links between Autism and Magic - neurodivergant people bring unique perspectives to Witchcraft and magical practice.
We may be starting to understand the links between Autism and Magic - neurodivergant people bring unique perspectives to Witchcraft and magical practice.
The Summer Solstice, known as Litha in Wiccan traditions, is a time of radiant sunlight, abundant growth, and joyful celebration.
Litha: A study of the Wiccan Summer Solstice
The summer solstice, characterized by Earth's maximum tilt toward the Sun, occurs annually in each hemisphere, marking the longest day and shortest night of the year.
The intersection of nature and spirituality is a cornerstone of many ancient practices, one of which is the use of "Witch's Working Rice" in contemporary Wiccan and Pagan rituals
Why are so many young people turning to Shamanism in the UK?
In a world often fixated on superficial appearances, there exists a unique and profound orientation that transcends the physical realm – sapiosexuality.
In a world often fixated on superficial appearances, there exists a unique and profound orientation that transcends the physical realm – sapiosexuality.
A modern shaman embodies a person who has acquired shamanic abilities through the study and practice of traditional shamanism to move towards a more modern shamanism.
The Wheel of the Year is a cyclical calendar of Wiccan Pagan Festivals that plays a significant role in the spiritual practices of modern pagans,
Within the tapestry of human spirituality lies a practice that transcends time and culture — smudging.
Totem animals, emblematic of the deep spiritual connections between indigenous peoples and the natural world, have woven themselves intricately into the fabric of human history
Within the rich tapestry of Native American culture lies a symbol of profound significance: the Talking Stick.
Shaman Healing: An Exploration of Tradition and Practice Shamanic healing is an ancient practice that has persisted across diverse cultures and geographical regions throughout history